Twenty Years of Failure in Transitioning from a Car-reliant Commute to one Based on Mass Transit
The most efficient urban mass transport mode known today is subways, and that is mainly because it operates in a 3D separated environment. However, most of the cities cannot implement it mainly due to affordability and disruptions during the construction phase.
We are told that buses are also sustainable, because they can reduce emissions and alleviate traffic congestion. Indeed in certain circumstances the emissions/capita are smaller than those of cars, and each bus could take 75 cars off the roads and car parks. However, after 23 years of investing on average £31 billion/year in the transition from cars to buses, only 1% of the vehicles in traffic are buses and only 6% of the commuters use buses. According to DfT statistics car use is still on the rise while bus use continues to decline.
We have the two sustainable mass transportation means available. One of them cannot be scaled the other one suffers from public reluctance. So, none of them can manifest their sustainability, therefore they are merely Potentially Sustainable.
In order to increase public desirability, Nymbel enhances convenience:
- Wherever you are throughout the network, there’s a station within a ¼ of a mile (5-minute walk).
- PODs are available in stations 24/7/365, fully charged and free of germs (automatically and thoroughly disinfected by UVC lamps embedded in the POD’s ceiling)
- Once boarded and the destination entered you don’t need to worry about a thing. No traffic, parking, recharging or multi-modal-related stress. The next stop is the final destination. No roundabouts, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings or intermediary stations.
- Thanks to the total absence of disruption, trips are 2.5-3 times faster than the current average speed on urban roads
- Thanks to the absence of unpredictability and human factor (responsible for 85% of the road accidents) in the system, the trips are safer, despite the increased speed.